Friday, April 26, 2013

Fly! Fly, Birdie!

Fly away and don't come back until you're a sovereign Big Bird...

I realized today that it's appropriate for me to let go of my old role of trying to uplift and be the wind beneath everyone else's wings. 

I let go of the role--not out of resentment or blame--but out of gratitude and celebration for myself, and for all those outside of me whose projects, creations, causes, and stories I supported. You all served me so well--Well Done! And much of it has been a pleasure. Many of you helped me remember to simply LAUGH at myself--and to spread my own wings and just leap--and now it's time for me to part ways.

I'm off to live my own sovereignty my own way--no more trying to mold myself to fit in with others' ideas and passions--or trying to protect them from unfriendly energies. I do need this time to disconnect, to be alone with me for a little while, in order to refocus all that love and energy and attention I gave to others, on uplifting and flowing my own self-expressions. I've realized that any time you have two or more people gathering together in order to feel better about oneself--well, the SEXUAL ENERGY VIRUS has slipped in. 

I choose to completely independently love and encourage and honor me. When I've got that part down, then I can return to laugh with others from the gatherings that I so love, who have also, hopefully, each claimed their own embodied self-mastery and sovereignty. I'll return in the form of a new kind of free-living and free-loving friend, sans (without) the energy feeding.

In the old energy consciousness, we've long been accustomed to creating our ideas and passions by first garnering the outside approval of like-hearted or like-minded people, who would then supply the "belief-in-its-value energy", the "labor energy" and the "money energy" to back those causes and get our creations (self-expressions) up and flowing. 

The fear is that if the old funding and old energetic support is pulled, the creation will collapse--but I KNOW, without a doubt, that it won't... 

Energy never ends--it transmutes, it changes, and it flows and flexes. And if the need, or passionate desire, is there for a system or creation to continue, the energies will rearrange themselves in order to keep it flowing--even if someone like me should opt out of it. And it can happen with ease and grace for all parties--no trauma or drama necessary in the shift.

I've been holding energies for the causes that I've supported because of that old fear that I will have let my friends down. That the good things we created together in the past will come to an end if I disconnect and withdraw my financial and old manner of energetic support--and that is what was stopping me from taking that final step over the threshold into my own sovereignty.

No one needs my wind "uplifting them" to help them fly--and I don't need outside support in order to soar either...

No one really flies until they've allowed themselves to be uplifted BY THEMSELVES. You can love the living daylights out of another being, but if they don't allow themselves TO BE loved--your love doesn't matter, and their life won't change.

Remove, quit being, the crutch. Give everyone the opportunity to discover their own god within, that they can walk (whatever mode one chooses) on their own...because we each can.

I am all that I need, to fly on my own...the Source of all of us created us to do exactly that.

Fly! Soar! Be FREE!

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