
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Allowing Others Their Experiences, Letting Go of Things and Their Stories

March 22, 2023 is fast approaching: Heavens' Cross (aka the Apocalypse: the great opening or revealing) is finally nearly here, and life as we know it is going to change completely....

We ALL will have access to our own Souls, Divinity, Wisdom, other realms while still incarnate here on Earth!

This resonates profoundly with why I am here. I don't want to miss out on this epic event in our planet's and humanity's history. Oh, the stories we will be able to tell....

The past few months since I learned of the actual date of the event (back in November) I've realized I've been cleaning and clearing house--on many different levels.

I've been watching my old identity really melt away. I've become aware that sentimental items that I'd just kept out of a sense of loyalty more than anything were keeping me imprisoned in the stories associated with them. I didn't realize how much so until I asked myself, one-by-one, if I should discard them and the answer was always a resounding "Yes!"

Ben, the worn and ragged teddy bear Dad gave me when I was twelve, got one last kiss and hug of gratitude as he found himself placed in the garbage along with a birdhouse knickknack Mom had given to me that a friend of hers had made. Along with those went a ceramic cat I'd had for decades that my sister-in-law (who had a cat phobia) had painted and gifted me. I didn't realize until the moment I let each one go that I'd been keeping us all in a limited cage of beingness--especially my sister-in-law. I'd been keeping her unhealthy....As for my parents--there was a story of lack of abundance woven into the story of love from whence the gifts were given....

I felt so much relief that I decided to tackle my cedar chest. I let go of the newspaper articles of my old boyfriend's accident and death, once again not realizing the low energy I'd been holding onto all these years. Into the bin went all the obituaries of all my loved ones, and with that came in the ah-ha's! of seeing how I had so many awesome memories of my loved ones far beyond that photo and bare-bones message on each missive. I'd been hanging onto the loss and grief with those dang things!

I've also been throwing away a lot of photos, many which are reminders of times when life was fraught with a great deal of lack in abundance in all forms. It's especially freeing to get rid of old photos of myself. I may have been thinner in them (and hotter, according to my husband), but I was also haunted....I seldom liked how I looked in photographs. Plus, after sorting through stuff when loved ones have crossed over, I've realized that no one else wants pictures of people they don't personally know. I may as well unburden myself now.

With all this releasing, I've discovered that my daily walks in nature--or shoveling snow, as it is winter here--are becoming physically easier, and so even more enjoyable. A few days ago, I slipped on the ice while walking with my husband and landed flat on my back, thunking my head on the pavement. I admit I've been kind of concerned lately about walking or shoveling on my own and having a fall like that happening. I showed myself that I'd be okay. I didn't get hurt--not even my head--and after giving myself a moment to recover, I got back up, laughed it off and continued enjoying our walk. I discovered I am quite resilient....

Trying to convince otherwise someone who's intent on being and acting unworthy is a waste of my time and my energy.

I also finally am experiencing myself letting go of worrying about anyone else in their chosen experiences which often turn out to be dramas and traumas that I've played in for years. I take full responsibility for putting myself in them--I chose to play the games that are all pretty much some version of the Sexual Energy I'm discovering how easy it is to just step out of them and allow myself ease and grace while allowing everyone else to live their own lives and CHOSEN experiences. What a relief!

If you don't care about and appreciate yourself and choose to be well in all aspects of your life, then why the hell should I care about you?

Isn't it rather selfish to expect someone else to give a damn about you and your health--your joy in life--when you aren't taking responsibility for yourself?

If you're drinking too much alcohol, that's on you--I don't care. I just won't be around to watch you play out your poor-me, I'm-an-addict story....Blah, blah, fricken blah!

If you think taking legal or illegal drugs: anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds, or any other mood-altering substance (even herbs) is helping you cope, guess're flat-lining yourself. You're numbing and dumbing yourself down. Giving yourself a chemical lobotomy--is that your answer? 

Ultimately, we all know on some deeper level that you're running away from yourself, and if you don't look at the crap you're trying to avoid, and grow through it by allowing yourself to FEEL and realize who you truly are, you may as well call it all quits. Don't waste your breath whining about the storms and dark tunnels of the soul that ONLY YOU put yourself through....I don't care!!!! 

I don't give a crap anymore because I know ultimately that every single one of us is okay. That all these stories are Divine Creator beings pretending to be All-alone Little Humans. We've just been gaining COMPASSIONATE WISDOM about our own I Am selves and learning how our own fields of energy/communication serve these eternal points of conscious awareness that we each are....

The best way to rid yourself of old systems that no longer serve your best interests in well-being in all ways is to make them obsolete in your own life--take total responsibility for yourself, and take care of yourself, appreciate yourself.

Those crappy healthcare, insurance, economic, education, business, media, government--and technological--systems are being a service to you in that they are allowing you to experience what it's like to depend on your outer world to take responsibility for your life--their failures and betrayals will either cause you to go within and you'll wake up, or you'll die basically fighting with yourself. All those old systems are your own creation--your acceptance of a suggestion about how life works that you alone have made your truth.

When you quit playing and seeing yourself as the Victim in all your own creations--these OUTER world entities like organizations or other individuals--their energies become released, neutralized and integrated into your Body of Consciousness, and are now available to manifest in a new form and service more appropriate to your free and sovereign awareness of yourself.

Wake up!!! Stop looking outside of yourself for your answers. Stop limiting yourself by defining how and who you are as a single identity. You're so much more....I am so much more....

The apocalypse is on its way, and we'll all soon discover that even the few words I've written here don't matter either....

It's so liberating even though I really have no idea what to expect....I just feel so much lighter right now, and that's all I've got--my present--

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