
Monday, March 7, 2022

Opened Eyes

Opened Eyes

Words and music by Penny Lewton Binek

I was driving down the highway
Thinking through my past,
When suddenly it came to me
As clear as crystal glass:
I have thanked you for the good times,
It's time to thank you for the bad.
All the parts we play, you see,
Show me who I am!

These are my footsteps, my battles--
A contrast, every one,
To the Light which I see within me
Dawning as the Sun/Son.
The love that I sought was in me,
Buried beneath a film.
From the sorrows of a blinded heart
To the joys of opened eyes!

Thank you to the doctor 
who could not cure my ills
All we seemed to see 
was the sin in me
which we tried to fix with pills.
It made me look past my pained condition
to the perfection that's my soul.
I never could have seen it,
much less, believed it,
had you done anymore than MY will!


To the lawyer who lost my cases
and the systems which seemed to fail--
We always seemed to be persecuting me,
condemning me to jail.
It made me ask the deeper questions
and search my heart for what felt right.
I see truth in me, unending liberty,
a loving justice that's prevailed!


Mom and Dad, you know that I have adored you
From the moment I was born.
Imagine my dismay, when I found one day
That to your views I'd not conform!
It made me look deep inside,
And question my pride,
For with this I must not be wrong!
But what better way to see the strength of my faith--
Than have to"go against" the two of you...


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