
Sunday, June 9, 2019

A Breath of Fresh Realization

I am writing this to help myself anchor this realization. It makes me smile and not take myself so seriously. I love when I loosen up--the best things seem to happen then, and they have been ever since this understanding blossomed.

Our eyes are the greatest deceivers.

Close your eyes and take a good deep, down-into-your-lower-ribcage breath.

Open your eyes and now look all around you--including your body.

All of your reality, everything, is merely a SUGGESTION of what can be. It does not have to be WHAT IS.

We were living--acting out--a hypnotic suggestion...that's all. Pretty much the same as a hypnotist telling a volunteer that he is a chicken--and he accepts that suggestion as his truth, and he flaps, struts and clucks about like a chicken.

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