
Thursday, March 21, 2019

4 Questions to Help You FEEL Through and Release Painful Old Stories

Our body cells are libraries of lifetime after lifetime of our souls expressions. Many of those lifetimes end in trauma and tragedy, and those scarred and wounded aspects find their way into our present lifetime and often influence what our consciousness radiates in our current life. We often have protective emotional guards up that we're unaware of even having in place--and those guards tell the friendly energies in service to us that, "Hey--I'm defending and protecting myself!" And wha-la!--those energies read those signals as you desiring that kind of experience, and so manifest as something in your life that you need to fight and defend yourself against.

If you are experiencing some type of dis-ease, or mental or emotional imbalance, it's possible you are experiencing one of these wounded aspects crying for your attention. They will keep attracting crap experiences to you until you give them your attention and your clear self-mastery presence. By allowing yourself to observe and feel them through, see the wisdom and the compassion that their traumatic experience gifted your soul, you set them free, and they can then integrate into your body of consciousness and no longer haunt you.

The most graceful way I found to do that was to first decide that I was going to allow myself to be an imperfect human and feel it all through with complete honesty.

"No matter what, I am okay."

I give myself a safe and sacred space where I can bawl and scream and hug and hold myself with total unconditional acceptance. As long as I set the intention to do no harm, there is no right or wrong way to do this, and I ALLOW myself to be human. I allow myself to feel anger, sadness, sorrow, fear--all those icky feelings I'd just rather avoid. I allow myself to feel like a victim, even blame others (though I actually know I wanted a betrayer role played out for me, and some loving being did that just for me on this earthly playground).

The whole idea is to feel my way honestly through my Dark Night of the Soul tunnel. And I do it KNOWING this is temporary--that I will survive it--and there is Light, Wisdom and FREEDOM waiting for me at the end.

4 Questions to help you feel your way to freedom:

1. What happened? (Allow yourself to feel angry)
2. What didn't happen? (Allow yourself to feel sad, to grieve)
3. What could happen? (Allow yourself to feel fear)
4. What can't happen? (Allow yourself to feel sorrow, to feel sorry)

Our human facet in all its perfect imperfection is the grandest of gifts to our soul. You are magnificent!

You. Are. A. Gift!

Little One--come out, be free!
Little One--come and play with me!
It's all right--let your secrets unfold,
Cry the tears of pain you've tried to hold.
Come to Me, I'll hold you tight,
And the darkness I'll not let bite.
Shout your anger! Vent your fears--
FEEL your sadness and your sorrows,
Then watch them disappear...

Little One, come fly with me!
I've loosed your shackles--guilt, shame and misery.
Little One, come let your spirit soar
Through wondrous places you've never dreamed before...

Little One, come sing with me--
We have a song, a glorious melody.
Little One, come lift your heart in song
Giving thanks for all parts played,
Whether right or seeming wrong.
Hear the thunder, hear the ROAR--
A celebration like we've never felt before!!

Little One, at last you're free!
Little One, come and dance with me.
It's all right--you've let your story be told.
And in the Light of Day, behold!
You're a wonder!
Life's a gift!--
A celebration of ALL THAT IS.
Though you stumble, though you fall--
When it all is said and done,
All there is--

All there is IS LOVE, Little One.
All there is IS LOVE, Little One.
All there is Is Love, Little One--
How you've grown into my sun/son!

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