
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sensitives: The Art of Walking a Mile in Another's Moccasins

Sensitives are empathetic and compassionate by nature. Empathy and compassion are the ability to feelingly imagine what it's like to walk in another's shoes.

I grew up on my mom's adopted adage: "Never judge another until you've walked a mile in his/her moccasins." It's easy for me to feel what it must be like for someone else--I do it so naturally it happens without me thinking about it.

For a good portion of my life, I had difficulty discerning what was my personal baggage and what belonged to others--most of it belonged to others. I would take on another person's issue or crisis as if it was my own and I'd work and feel my way through it, always hoping to resolve it for them. I found answers for many things--but they were only answers for myself. Often the other person didn't care enough, or wasn't curious enough, to resolve his/her issue to even ask a question, much less search for an answer, or even look at mine. They were enjoying their story and their experience too much to let it go. In that case, I learned to let them go. Compassion allowed me to drop their burden and leave their story until they chose to be done with it, or not.

Choosing to be curious and aware and open to shifting your perspective can bring a great deal of clarity to your situation. And with clarity comes release from an illness or story or identity.

After all, if it's in my life, I put it there, and it will stay in my life as long as I'm getting some benefit from it on some level. Everything in my life is there in service to me.

Too often, we FEED the "poor" VICTIM, and that perpetuates the story.

It's often been my experience that those who claim illness or imbalance as their state of being--whether it's emotional, mental, physical or spiritual--CHOOSE NOT to imagine themselves in the shoes of their own loved ones and caregivers. I don't think they realize they can do it even--I think they're unconscious of having made that choice.

And they use their illnesses to be energy feeders--vampires. In many cases I'm not certain they're fully aware that they're doing that. They hijack relationships by CHOOSING to make themselves and their illness stories the FOCUS of attention for themselves and others.

Doctor and specialist appointments, treatments, diets and medications become the focus of people's lives. I've observed many of these illness situations become full-time jobs for the sick person and family members. I watch it become work that people bring home with them. And it usurps spending a lot more fun and enjoyable time with friends and loved ones.

When I feel sick, the last thing I want is a visitor. I want to be able to thoroughly enjoy another's company.

I have a friend who was diagnosed with bipolar illness, and pretty much our entire relationship revolved around her diagnosis. For awhile, I let her get by with crazy, abusive things simply because she had a "I can be crazy all I want to and get by with it free" card. She had an excuse to treat people like she wouldn't if she wasn't "chemically imbalanced--poor thing". I'm wondering now if she ever once imagined what it was like for her family members, her loved ones, who did everything they could possibly do to try to make her life happier, only to have her throw it back in their face and do another poor, pitiful me episode that landed her in yet another hospital. Did she ever imagine what it was like to be in her own mom's shoes?

I'm not pointing a finger of blame here because, again, I don't think she was aware that she was making a choice, and most of our illnesses and imbalances are a result of karma and ancestral biology--factors that affect our lives until we wake up out of the "Little Human just trying to survive" dream, and realize we can simply CHOOSE to RELEASE ourselves from all karma and ancestral stories. That's all it takes--choosing ownership of, and compassionate forgiving responsibility for your own life makes karma and bloodline baggage null and void. Choose to CONSCIOUSLY release yourself from it, and you start with a fresh, clean slate. All of that past stuff was done out of blindness to who you really are--there's nothing to feel guilty about or ashamed of. You were just deep asleep in a survival hypnosis.

When people get yearly physicals or feel under the weather and go to a health professional or guru and get a diagnosis, I wonder how many question whether or not they're going to claim that diagnosis as their own? 

Do they know THEY have the ULTIMATE CHOICE in that matter? 

Do they realize they are the ones selecting and creating their own reality experience? 

A diagnosis is only a SUGGESTION of a potential you can choose whether or not to claim as your own truth, just like a suggestion a hypnotist makes to his subject who is under hypnosis. If he suggests you are a chicken and you accept that as who you are, you're going to be clucking, flapping your arms and strutting around like a chicken. Even though we all seem wide awake, most of mass consciousness is under hypnosis, especially those not questioning the status quo, especially those who aren't curious as to whether there is more to life than the current one they are living.

Can they imagine themselves living out the diagnosis...and...can they imagine living a life free of any diagnosis? Imaginatively feeling what it could be like to dramatically act out both scenarios helps you pick the potential you want to experience more easily and gracefully. -- I do this all the time.

That's called FEELING into POTENTIAL experiences--and we have a plethora available to us that we've never realized were even there before simply because we've been defaulting to the same perspectives and habits and stories over and over again. We've been accepting the suggestions of mass consciousness as our own truths.

For all of you family members with loved ones with Alzheimer's dis-ease and dementia--they are busy playing in other dimensions, in other realities. They generally aren't in pain when they're out there, and they're pretty much not present in this reality, and I don't think most of them realize what they are putting you through.

Ask them to imagine what it's like to be in your own shoes. I don't know what your answer will be. On some level, they don't want to be here on Earth in this reality anymore, and there is no shame in that, but if they want to leave they can die and take their body with them--no guilt, no shame. And the rest of you who are choosing to stay and play the Earth game can do so burden-free. I'm not endorsing suicide or murder here either--you can choose to leave your identity and story without that painful gore and trauma, which are hurtful to family and loved ones.

Cowardice is not in choosing to leave--you can choose to die (something most of us humans have done hundreds and thousands of times) and simply go in ease and grace. Cowardice, fellow sovereign, is play-acting crazy and feeding off your loved ones pain and suffering in trying to take care of you because you're not choosing to be present in your own life.

Consciously choosing to imagine what life must feel like to be one's caregiver opens you up to a new conscious awareness. That willingness to shift my perspective made me heal and balance quicker. It stopped me from energetically feeding off them.

When I was sick in the past, I often felt how it was affecting my husband. When I got a diagnosis for scoliosis and allowed myself to imagine a future of treatments and possible surgeries and doctoring--that made me choose to take responsibility for my own well being. I chose to not claim scoliosis anymore. When I realized that stomach cramps often resulted in me passing out and getting bruised while jarring my husband out of a deep sleep to the sounds of crashing, I decided that waking my husband and asking him to warm me a heating pad made more sense and was far less dramatic and traumatic for us both. I made sure I had secured my footing when I experienced vertigo. I rested when I was too exhausted to function. I hydrated myself and fed myself. I took myself for easy and enjoyable walks to help flow my energies, to breathe more consciously. I CHOSE to simply be kind to myself--and that made it easier for my loved ones, as well as for myself.

Choosing to be curious about what it must feel like to walk in another's shoes or what it would be like to act out different scenarios breaks open the prison of the stories we feel trapped in. 

It opens a person up to CHOOSING potentials of life experience with more clarity, rather than defaulting to the old "this is just the way life is" consciousness of the masses. You become the actual owner of your gift of life...

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