
Monday, July 22, 2013

Money Only Matters when You Make It Matter

Money becomes an issue in your life creations ONLY IF you MAKE it an issue.

The quickest way to bring any creative idea to a complete stop is to make money an issue in it. The fastest way to pervert or distort an originally beautiful creative desire to the point it has no integrity left is to introduce the issue of financing into the idea. You can make money off it--bundles of it--but that shouldn't be the goal. In fact, don't even set a goal--that limits things and stops the creative flow, too.

If  LACK or LIMITED RESOURCES is a foundational belief of the person/s creating something, then the flow of abundance is naturally limited in that endeavor. This is why businesses using "cost-cutting" (lack consciousness) actually perpetuates the "not enough" story. Watch those businesses--they won't be flowing abundance. They're literally choking themselves to death.

The best creations are those you do for the "self-express" joy of creating--express your choice and then give your creations their freedom to flow without you trying to control or manipulate them. Energy flows through the least obstructed and least limited path, so step out of the way of your creations. DON'T EFFORT so much. INSTEAD, close your eyes and check in with yourself to note how you FEEL about it all. Take some breaths to calm and center yourself in the moment at hand.

It basically all boils down to this: ENERGY, in unconditional service, arranges itself to materialize into being whatever CONSCIOUSNESS CHOOSES to focus its attention on.

When you (a pinpoint of CONSCIOUS AWARENESS)are breathing easily and are present and centered--you are then allowing the energies to flow and serve you naturally with grace and ease, and you're allowing yourself to simply receive the experience with ease.

If you choose to create something, don't ask others for opinions if they aren't participating and vested in the creative process--you'll get a big effing story and drama, and a creation that's been run off its tracks. Nothing ticks me off more than someone sitting at the table of imaginative flow who's throwing in statements like, " know how people are...they'll never go for it or actually do it... It all sounds like fun until it comes time to actually do it...blah, blah, blah..."

If that's the way you view your life and are CHOOSING to live it, you may as well leave your dreams and ideas behind and get on with your miserable life--because I won't play with you. I'll manifest my dreams elsewhere.

Money: In the past, and on up to this current day, it's been used to play the "Let's Pretend" game of  "Some Have Power, Some Don't."

The truth is, though, that no one can steal another's power over their own life unless that person gives them that power--on some level, there's been a mutual agreement between the two parties to play that game. If it's in your life, YOU CREATED IT to be so, and ONLY you can CHOOSE to un-create it.

The monetary system is simply an energy pattern that has been repeated through the ages. It's a long-established belief system initially based in peaceful trading (energy flow) between sovereignties or individuals. But as has happened with most human belief systems, it's been infiltrated by the sexual energy virus, aka energy feeding and "stealing,"--a game of victims versus perpetrators.

Stepping out of a long-established BELIEF SYSTEM (aka, mind programming) is like stepping back after having walked into a spider web. Its sticky threads cling to you, and the more you struggle and fight within the web of belief, the more entangled you get. So first go sit down in that AUDIENCE CHAIR and OBSERVE the plays and dramas from a distance.

Years ago, Adamus encouraged us to just consider the idea that maybe we don't have to pay bills or taxes, etc., but he DID NOT encourage us at that point to withdraw from the system because we were too unconsciously enmeshed in the belief system yet, too afraid of the consequences. We weren't fully aware of how deeply we were asleep--there were layers upon layers of beliefs to become aware of. At that time, my feelings of guilt over not paying bills and taxes, or fearfully believing I needed to fight some conspiracy entity (like a bank or wealthy person of power) in order to survive, etc. would have had me EMOTIONALLY creating some dire stories and experiences for myself--AGAIN. I actually did that years prior to hearing Adamus and Tobias--and it was one hell of an experience, as you can read about in my various posts on this blog.

My conscience couldn't handle it at the time and I wasn't fully AWARE of my FEELINGS that were triggering my reality manifestations.

For instance, I used to get a lump in my throat, bees in my stomach and a constricted feeling in my chest when bills arrived in the mail. I'd pay the bills according to due dates and the balance in my checking account, which seemed to just barely have enough to cover things, even though I balanced the thing monthly and kept track of every penny I spent.

After considering what Adamus's words meant for me, I CHOSE to start FLOWING my abundance in little ways that I could live with, and not feel too scared. In terms of money, that meant, for me:

I take a few deep-down into my stomach breaths to get centered, then:

1. I pay bills the moment they arrive in my mail in order to keep my mind and my desks and countertops clear--and to simply keep the energies FLOWING.

2. I write "Thank you" on the memo line of the checks I write. Gratitude flows energy more easily than fighting. It's just airy numbers we're dealing with here, after all. So we can count how many beans or marbles we hold--does it REALLY MATTER?

3. I quit balancing that old accounting consciousness "barely enough" checkbook of mine. I make a note of having written checks just for reference sake, but I no longer balance it or record cash or debit card use.

4. I pay my credit card balance off IN FULL EVERY MONTH. I have only one credit card and I use it only TRUSTING MYSELF to have the funds available in the moment needed--like I have the cash right there, right NOW. I don't play the debt or credit game of LACK of ABUNDANCE. The whole paying on a mortgage for a home should someday become obsolete--that's foolish energy feeding story.

5. I DON'T use COUPONS or buy something just because it's on SALE or CHEAP. Those practices perpetuate the "lack of money" or "just barely enough" stories. I buy quality. I generate less garbage that way, too.

6. I practice consciously REMINDING myself out loud that I'm KEEPING ENERGIES FLOWING and I BREATHE that constantly to keep my inner feelings at ease and peace, so that's what I'm radiating out to the UNIVERSE.

I no longer tremble at the idea of bills and money or having enough. I haven't felt those old anxiety symptoms much at all in the last couple years. When I no longer have a mortgage--I'll let you know of that, too, and what it was like to let it go. I currently just pay it and don't worry about it.

It gets better and easier every day as I've gotten accustomed to flowing energy in the form of money. I just pay money, and allow myself to receive money, with ease and flowing grace....and I ALLOW MYSELF to enjoy my gift of life. You are gods also--you can do the same thing, if you choose.

Money just shows the flow of relationship energy between parties. Its value as an easy-to-carry trading tool was once upon a time based on labor and on precious metals like gold and silver--but it hasn't been based on much of anything like that since around 1971. It's pretty much airy-fairy fantasy. Its worth depends solely on you, the individual who determines how much power you give it to influence your life and CHOICES.

If you decide "you don't have enough money" to create and do the things in your life that you'd like--so it is! The Universe matches your radiation. I played with that particular radiation much longer in my life than I care to remember, but it gave me fodder to share here with you.

Adamus has said,
"The amount of abundance (in all forms, in all aspects) in one's life is directly proportional to that person's will to live."

Do you view your life here on earth as a GIFT? How much do you want to be here on earth, having all this experience? How much joy do you choose? How easy or difficult do you choose to make it? Whatever your choice--the Universe will lovingly match it to make it so. If you choose to whine like a victim over money issues that you made materialize--the universe will give you exactly what you're radiating out.

So if you don't take ownership of, and accept full responsibility for, the entirety of your own gift of a life, you're going to experience lack in some form.

It takes as much--or even more--energy to perpetuate a state of lack story (lots of "poor pitiful mes") as it does to just simply allow the natural flow of one's abundance co-created with the Universe.

Unfortunately, people like to commiserate too often about their "money issues" with one another, which just keeps that story in play then. My best advice: Close your mouth and leave the conversation.

When I was a junior in high school I was given the opportunity to observe two creations materializing about the same time by approximately the same group of people. With the first one, I got to watch a desired creation manifest simply, without much worry or fuss when you didn't make money the issue. And with the second, I got to observe what happened when you made money an issue in your creation.

In September of 1980, when I was 16 years old, the fair board failed to put on the traditional teen dance in the quonset during the county fair. We kids wanted a dance. We were all only 15-17 years old--not able to legally sign any contracts, so one of the parents did that part for us. One person in our group knew of a rock band to hire, and did so. Another rented the building and someone hired a cop, as required by law, to monitor the gathering. Other classmates stood at the door and charged a $3.00 cover charge for the event. Others helped clean up the building afterwards.

We not only made enough to pay all the bills, we made enough profit to put on more dances throughout the year. We ran into one glitch when we scheduled a dance at the same time of another dance somewhere else in the area, and we weren't able to cancel the band in time. We had to still hold the dance, and I think that gouged our funds. But there was evidently still enough in there to buy some booze to spike the punch bowl at the prom that spring. Okay, so that probably wasn't the wisest use, and if someone tried that today, the penalties would be pretty dire. The point is, we simply CHOSE to DANCE--and instead of whining about the fair board doing us a wrong and not having any money to do it, we manifested a dance. The money was there when we needed it.

In contrast, our junior class had two adult advisors and a class fund that was monitored. We got over-zealous with the prom decorations and ended our year with our official junior class in debt. We spent a good portion of our senior year earning the money selling concessions (that the class behind us should have had) to get ourselves in the black before graduation. Our prom was quite beautiful--we had a mural and waterfall and a bridge and wishing well--and I still have to laugh at the story. But it goes to show that maybe we should take a deeper look at what money really is--and how old concepts like "money management" beliefs and bean-counting practices influence our realities.

What if we've just MENTALLY and EMOTIONALLY COMPLICATED something that is natural and simple to flow--our own ABUNDANCE?...

Related posts:
What Is Money--Really?: An Exercise in Inner-Knowingness
Walk Like a Master

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