
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Do you feel all mushy, too, Fellow Caterpillar?

Don't worry about turning physically mushy, or forgetting what you were saying or doing just a moment ago, or the fact that some days you just can't seem to function like you used to. Because--my friends and fellow sovereigns--it's TEMPORARY! We're all transforming into the human versions of butterflies--we're integrating our LIGHT BODIES.

It's an amazing, naturally-occurring experience to live through--and because I'm aware of it happening, I'm choosing to allow this monumental change to happen with as much ease and grace as I can without mentally and emotionally getting in my own way. Without judging that something is "wrong" with me.

At least, it's temporary if you feelingly believe it's temporary. If you choose to believe whatever you have going on is a permanent state of being--then permanent it will be, specifically and lovingly, in honor of YOU and your conscious, or unconscious, choice! Yes, my loves--YOU, and only you, have that kind of influence on your life!

It's sometimes scary and disconcerting, though, when you're accustomed to looking and feeling a certain way, and following certain rules--when, suddenly, you don't look the same, and the old tried and true rules like diet and exercise and medicines or therapies and treatments don't create the expected outcomes anymore. 

In my case, I manifested a belly--and for the first time in my life, clothes aren't fitting. It doesn't matter what or when I eat or how many belly-reduction exercises I try. I'm fit otherwise--and I walk with ease, but I don't bend too well. My husband, who is a few years older than me, is having the same bewildering thing going on at the same time. I do know it will pass, but it's not fun--and I don't feel or look as slender as I'm accustomed to being. Some days, I just have to hug myself with love and unconditional acceptance and encouragement instead of looking in the mirror--we humans are so deeply programmed to look into that mirror with nothing but judgment.

In the interim, I bought some yoga pants and active wear clothing that allow me to move more easily. I'm able to garden, and being outdoors with nature helps me breathe more deeply and flow my energies. I know I'm okay, and I'm not worried. This, too, shall pass. I know my body knows how to balance itself naturally and I've been choosing more and more each day to let go of trying to fix things I "think" are "wrong" with my body, and instead, ALLOW it to do its thing--this incredible transformation--in the most graceful and easy way possible. Worry and self-doubt only muck up the process. Instead, I view both myself and my husband as being pregnant with our own new consciousness body--it helps. Ha!

Adamus Saint-Germain reminded us in the May Shoud of 2014 to just breathe all that energy in--to not discriminate the dark energies from the light--and that helped me open up and just breathe EVERYTHING in! It loosened me up. So I'm currently breathing in, accepting my chubby-feeling belly in place of holding my breath, trying to suck it in.

After Adamus worked with us, during this most recent June Crimson Circle Shoud (2014), with just ALLOWING one's LIGHT BODY to integrate, I've felt myself shift open even more. It doesn't matter what I eat or drink, or whether or how I exercise anymore--I'm feeling more FREE to simply ENJOY LIVING.

I recently endured 2 months of misery with my body temperature zinging from cold and clammy one moment, to hot and steamy, the next. I experienced warmth in the heel of my right foot at the same time. Thankfully, thankfully, THANKFULLY, those symptoms passed--and I'm grateful to be done with them. Can you tell? It seems I had to dive in and experience the old menopause consciousness paradigm. 

Any Shaumbra and lightworkers reading this will know that there were some amazing energies coming in and shaking things up in April through the entire month of May this year (2014). Even this month of June has had its fair share of energies flying in and out, and being felt all over the place.

Yes, I recently turned fifty--and I don't give a crap whether someone thinks I'm menopausal or not. I choose to not commiserate with anyone else over it. I may or may not be menopausal--but it DOESN'T MATTER TO ME, either way. And not worrying about it is what makes the difference. After all that bleeding, who needs it? My husband finds me easier to live with now, probably, more than ever.

Someday, those periods which we women have had to be embarrassed with due to that sexual energy virus running the show, will be a part of our biological past. We won't need to shed blood in order to reproduce, though it may take awhile to become our reality.

A lot of people have made age 50 a benchmark of sorts for our biology to really start falling apart. We're taught that our cells quit rejuvenating, and instead, start aging and getting stiff, and dying off, never to be replaced. I've observed others around me creating certain issues with their bodies because of beliefs they've made their truth about what happens at certain ages--everything from 30 to 80. It becomes self-fulfilling prophecy.

I had an aunt who told me that her husband used to tell her, based on his own experience, that once you turned 80, your health went all to hell. She adamantly believed it to be true, and sure enough, when she turned 80, she began having health issues up the wa-zoo. Prior to all of that, this was a woman who was joyfully climbing ladders to paint the eaves on her house and mowing ten acres of lawn and shoveling her own walk. After she turned 80, every time we talked, I was given a rundown of her latest malady.

Look at what happens to that caterpillar who was once a sleek and green, plant-eating machine: She grows sluggish, falls apart until she's mush, and then one day, awakens, and emerges from that dead-looking, petrified prison of a cocoon only to discover she looks nothing like the identity she was accustomed to being. She has a completely new body that is much more colorful. She feeds differently, utilizes energy differently and moves differently--she flies!

I'm thinking that caterpillar had to experience some pain and frustration in the transmutation process. Many humans start going to the doctor or some health practitioner when they experience either body changes and symptoms out of the ordinary, or when they have symptoms that match what they've been told, and believe, are what happens when you reach a certain age, or if you do something wrong. They go into a type of fear. In short, they believe something is wrong with them. 

Because of the EMOTIONAL reaction to that MENTAL JUDGMENT--"Some thing's wrong with me"--a reality story is manifested that matches that radiated conscious belief. And it's off and running...

I did that, too, early on, because it was deeply ingrained in our human consciousness that that was just how you do it. But after so many visits to health care professionals and trying various remedies and treatment flavors of the day, I began to notice that if I did walk away with a diagnosis, I had a tendency to focus and dwell on it, and I watched as I made the story of my life surrounding that diagnosis and treatment turn into a larger and more dense reality. I gave someone or something else power over my life. I built a symptom or two into a huge story to experience and explore--and my fear surrounding death and pain and permanent disease were the biggest building blocks. I created something of a reality prison for myself. I got stuck in a reality I knew I created and I couldn't quite figure out how to release myself from it.

I tried fighting the diagnosed illness--and that just made the disease story grow even bigger.

I tried various treatments ranging from diet and food monitoring to herbs, exercises and other alternative healing modalities--but in the end, I realized I was giving my power away to someone or something outside of myself. And that didn't jibe with what I KNEW to be true WITHIN myself. It felt like a never-ending game of the latest and greatest fad.

I tried ignoring it--but that didn't work either. Sometimes the pain would slap me extra hard just to get me to realize that trying to avoid something was still focusing my attention on it enough to keep manifesting it in my reality. I had to learn to let go of trying to control and manipulate, and, instead, simply just BREATHE it in, FEEL IT, and EXPLORE the experience, instead of trying to deny it.

Just BREATHE and DRINK it all in--BREATHE in that pain! Drink it in. OPEN UP and BREATHE it all deep down into your belly. EXPLORE it and FEEL it all. It doesn't matter if it's dark energy or light energy--it's all energy serving YOU! 

If you keep the energies easily flowing through you simply by breathing it all in and keeping your personal energy field open--ALLOWING--you're allowing the energies to NATURALLY neutralize, and you're creating an easier reality for yourself to be in.

If you breathe shallowly (only into your lungs/chest), you put up defensive energy barriers around you  If you're closed in tight in protective mode--that's what you, the source and center of your created world, is radiating out from your conscious awareness; and the energies that serve you, unconditionally, match themselves to that radiation: They manifest as something for you to defend against.

I have moments and days just like those of the seemingly-dying caterpillar. Sometimes I forget names or what I'm saying mid-sentence, or I forget what I had planned to do a moment ago. 

I read with ease all the time, but the last few years, I've noticed that whenever I write checks to pay the monthly bills, it's all just one big blur--every single check I write. I've realized I've been drawing on my own PERSONAL and UNLIMITED field of abundant energy. I'm accessing dimensions that I didn't know were there before--and the blurring is helping me recognize that. I haven't broke out in a sweat over keeping the bills paid for quite a few years now. The money is just there, without me worrying over whether or not I have enough. It's simply there as I need it in the moment. I'm no longer trying to control and monitor its flow by balancing the checkbook the way I was taught in school. I know most financial planners would call me crazy--that I'm not being logical or "realistic"--but it's working for me.

I feel especially sensitive to the energies all around me. Sometimes I feel a tearful, grieving feeling that has nothing to do with what I have going on personally. This morning I feel drowsy, and there are storms building in the area. I took my morning walk just to breathe it all deeply in and through. I may still lie down for a nap, or not. I seem to be writing here instead--something I hadn't planned on doing. I don't generally sleep an entire 6-8 hours in a row at night anymore. I haven't done so for many years--it's usually in chunks of a 1-3 hour span of sound sleep, if I do. Throughout the night, I get up and use the bathroom, and stretch if I'm in pain. One thing I have noticed, though, is that it doesn't matter if I toss and turn an entire night with aches and pains at times--I still generally get up in the mornings feeling rested. 

Several years ago, in the early days of my awakening self-awareness, that wasn't the case--I used to wake up so exhausted I'd fall asleep again for a few hours. I was dizzy, my heart would race off, and it was all I could do to simply function.

There's a whole lot of change going on in this world and with our bodies, and I see so many people worried about those body symptoms. We're free to experience them and address them as each individual chooses--but maybe it doesn't hurt to keep in mind that all this change, all these symptoms are just TEMPORARY. And does it hurt to consider that something beautiful is maybe emerging in you, rather than something tragic and traumatic? The choice is ultimately yours...